D'Artagnan Entertainment, Inc. [DEI] is a California Corporation, Signatory to the Directors Guild of America [DGA], Screen Actors Guild [SAG] and Writers Guild of America [WGA], the three most prominent unions in the Film Industry. Signing with the other film worker unions is dependent on whether or not a film production will be full union [I/A] in status; meaning the production company must sign contracts with every union in Hollywood. In this regard, many productions are partially unionized to enhance certain party attachments, but remain flexible to other union commitments to save on cost. Details for such situations can be discussed once decisions are made as to where a film is to be shot.
Investment Guidelines
1. Investing in film production is not for those with limited finances.
2. Individuals or business entities with disposable income are the best candidates to invest in this exciting business.
3. Unless otherwise specified, Investors are not owners of motion pictures. They are simply investors holding a Deal Memo or Agreement specifying the amount of investment, terms and conditions under which the investment was made, responsibilities of the parties, expectations of return and specifics of when and how the investor is to recoup the investment as well as any ancillary payments as agreed to by the parties.
4. Frequently, Investors are partners in the production entity created for the film. The Industry expects clear chain of title [ownership] of the film, so by structuring partnership in the production company, this minimizes complicated ownership entanglements that create clouded chain of title. This is very important as Investor/partners must maintain full flexibility for distribution purposes and for production if the project is being picked up by a studio.
5. Funds invested are generally spent as follows:
● Development - The development of the screen play, attaching the Producer, Writer, Director, Casting Director who works with the Director in selection and attaching the lead Actor/s. Other talent attachments come later, but for distribution discussions having credible individuals in the aforementioned categories is crucial.
● Pre-production - The preparation of a complete production cast and crew list, budget finalization, hiring of key department heads, preliminary location scouting and meetings to finalize all costs, prepared by Line Producer/Unit Production Manager UPM before the "green light" or go ahead is given to make the picture.
● Funding - Deposit of 100% of the entire production budget into the bank for oversight by the Producer, Line Producer/Production Manager and Production Accountant.
● Preparation - Hiring the full cast and crew which involves negotiating with individuals, unions and vendors, securing locations/filming permits, finalizing the shooting schedule, and in general getting ready to start the film shoot.
● Production - Principal photography and all the logistics and elements involved therewith.
● Post - Editorial and film refinements; editing, sound design, mixing, rough cut to composer for music composition, music mixing, color correction, after effects, titles, etc. followed by full screening by Producers, Director and certain parties as deemed important, to determine final refinements.
● Final cut approval and preparation for marketing - Coordinating the film's exposure and positioning for Film Industry and public viewing [invitation only screenings, film festivals and premieres]. Concurrent to this process is negotiating distribution with various distribution sales consultants and companies for domestic and international income producing opportunities [theatrical, retail, video on demand, and Internet].
In conclusion, there are a multitude of elements to complete a film, but the above summarizes the key aspects of the process. Needless to say this is a collaborative effort requiring many individuals to work together in positive relations to position a project to make money. The individual to oversee the collection of participants will be Gabe Videla our CEO who will select an experienced Producer with successful credits and reputation to whom he will delegate oversight of each film project.
With all that is involved, the financial interest of our Investors is paramount. All good faith efforts are exerted to efficiently manage their investment and position the finished product to be successfully distributed.